Stroke Care Continuing Professional Development Fund
The Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario has established a Professional Education Fund to support the development of clinical skill and expertise of clinicians working in stroke care across the continuum. Eligible clinicians include physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, rehab assistants, personal support workers within Southeastern Ontario. Funding is available for educational opportunities offered within the fiscal year (April 1 – March 31).
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicant currently works in stroke care in the Southeast Region
- Education event is relevant to the stroke population
- Stroke best practices are reflected in the program content
- There is a clearly documented plan for the applicant to share learnings as appropriate
- Applicant’s manager is in support of the educational opportunity
Please direct any questions to
Stroke Care CPD Application Form
Stroke Care CPD Flyer
The Brain Body and You
This series is designed for front-line health care providers (eg. PSW, RPN, RN, Rehab Assistants and Restorative Care Aides) caring for stroke survivors and other related patient populations in the following care settings: long term, community, acute, rehabilitation, complex continuing care, and other related areas.
This series is being paused for the forseeable future- if you are interested in education about these topics for you or your organization, please reach out to
Video Recordings of the topics covered in the sessions are linked below:
Introduction to Stroke 19:15
Common Deficits after Stroke 15:14
Swallowing and Feeding 22:49
Communication after Stroke: Aphasia 23:41
Bladder Function after Stroke 13:44
Cognitive changes after Stroke 33:24
Apraxia 6:47
Vision and perception changes after stroke 19:43
Behaviour changes after Stroke 19:07
Post-Stroke Depression 19:50
Hemiplegic Arm 9:42
General Principles of Mobility 28:47
Moving in bed 15:06
Transfers 27:03
Positioning (Bed and Chair) 20:03
Walking and stairs 12:51
Shared Work Day & Field Training: Apply Now!
Choose the education program that best suits your learning needs:
1. Shared Work Experience Program
One or more learners can spend time learning with a health care provider(s) working in stroke care. A financial incentive of up to $200 is available to support the applicants.
2. Field Training Program
This program is designed to support an educational event for a group of health care workers working in stroke care. Financial support of up to $200 is available for an Instructor.
Purpose - Further develop stroke-specific knowledge, skill and professional networks for those working in stroke care.
How to Apply
1. Identify the individual or group’s learning needs
2. Select the education program (above) that best suits your needs
3. Contact an appropriate learning partner or instructor
a. You may contact the Stroke Network of SEO for ideas about possible teachers, mentors and peers that you may want to contact to help you arrange your learning program
b. We can put you in touch with local Stroke Champion Nurses, PTs, OTs, Dieticians, Social Workers, Pharmacists and SLPs, etc. to help you plan your program
4. Submit the application form for approval
5. Submit the evaluation form to receive agreed upon funding
If you have any questions please let us know.
Shared Work Day Evaluation Form
Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario Education Calendar
Here you will find the education activities for the 2024-2025 Calendar
Archived Provincial Stroke Rounds
December 4, 2025
The Role and Contributions of Nurses in Stroke Rehabilitation Units: An Integrative Review (video link)
Presenters: Dr. Eric Tanlaka and Dr. Amanda McIntyre
November 6, 2024
Systems of Care for Acute Stroke in Ontario (video link)
Presenter: Dr. Amy Yu
October 2, 2024
Presenter: Kristina Moro
September 11, 2024
A Scalability Assessment of the Transitional Care Stroke Intervention in Community Stroke Rehabilitation (video link)
Presenters: Melissa Northwood and Tracey Chambers
June 5, 2024
Presenters: Sherry Darling and Dr. Rosemary Martino
April 3, 2024
Amplifying the Patient Journey to Support Transitions in Stroke Care (video link)
Presenters: Dr. Siva Murugappan and Dr. Prema Samy of Chatham- Kent Health Alliance
March 6, 2024
Stroke/ICU Liaison: A New Collaborative Model for the Interdisciplinary Care of Stroke Patients
Presenter: Dr. Federico Carpani and Dr. Keith Sivakumar
December 13, 2023
Enhancing Individualized Stroke Care in the Community- results of a community consultation in Southeastern Ontario (video link)
Presenter: Kayla Purdon, BScN, BA, MN- Community and LTC Coordinator, Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario
Link to full Community Consultation report
November 1, 2023
Integrated Stroke Clinic: An Innovative Patient Centric Approach to Stroke Care (video link)
Presenter: Dr. Atif Zafar, Medical Director of St. Michael’s Hospital Comprehensive Stroke Program
October 4, 2023
Newly Released Smart Tips for Stroke Care: Everything you Need to Know (video link)
Presenters: Sue Verrilli and Jenna Weck
May 3, 2023
Implementation of Virtual Care in an Outpatient Rehabilitation Setting (video link)
Presenters: Karl Wong and Gary Siu
April 5, 2023
FAST Heroes health Education Campaign. Children Making a Positive Impact in Stroke. (video link)
Presenters: Jan Van Der Merwe, Dr. Razmik Bebedjian, Keli Cristofaro
March 1, 2023
Presenters: Dr. Maureen Markle-Reid, Eileen Britt, and David Dayler
February 1, 2023
The Stroke Core Competency Framework (video link)
Presenter: Jodi Powell and Sandy Lyeo, on behalf of the Ontario Regional Educators Group
December 7, 2022
Update on the Management of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (CVT): a Multidisciplinary Approach (video link)
Presenter: Dr. Jennifer Mandzia
November 2, 2022
Treatment Decisions in Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms: Art of Science? (video link)
Presenter: Dr. Joanna Schaafsma
October 5, 2022
Health Sciences North’s EVT Program – How it Started; How It’s Going (video link)
Presenter: Dr. Ravinder Jeet-Singh
June 1, 2022
Return to Work, Income, and Access to Social Services & Resources for Low Income Stroke Survivors (video link)
Presenters: Katrine Sauvé-Schenk and Patrick Duong
May 4, 2022
Ischemic Stroke in Young Adults: Diagnostic Challenges and Uncertainties (video link)
Presenter: Dr. Kanjana Perera
April 6, 2022
Robotic Endovascular Neurosurgery and Potential for Remote Robotic Stroke Treatment (video link)
Presenter: Dr. Vitor Pereira
March 2, 2022
An Innovative Model of Care for High Performing Hyperacute Stroke Teams (video link)
Presenters: Beth Linkewich, MPA, OT Reg. (Ont ); Catherine Convery, MHA, BHSc (Hons), CPHQ; Dr. Houman Khosravani, MD PhD FRCPC
December 1, 2021
Risky Behaviours After Stroke: How Can We Support? (video link password: Dec12021)
Presenters: Martina Nuttall (RN), Michelle Allain (Bioethicist), and Christina Johnson (NP)
November 3, 2021
Advance Care Planning in Stroke (video link)
Presenters: Dr. Kelvin Ng, Leigh Barr and Gillian Maguire
October 6, 2021
Enhanced Community Discharge Destinations (video link)
Presenter: Margo Collver, Laura Veenstra and Jeannette Masse
Condensed handout (printer-friendly)
June 2, 2021
The Canadian TIA Score- How to Identify High and Low Risk Patients for Subsequent Stroke (video link)
Dr. Jeff Perry
May 5th, 2021
Stroke in Young Adults: Patient Reported Outcomes and Psychosocial Needs (video link)
Presenter: Aleksandra Pikula
April 7th, 2021
Evolution of Diagnostic Criteria for Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (video link)
Presenter: Dr. Ravinder-Jeet Singh
March 3rd, 2021
Advancing Stroke Prevention Care in Canada: Highlights from the 2021 CSBPR Update, 7th Edition (video link)
Presenter: Patrice Lindsay, Dr. Alexandre Poppe & Dr. David Gladstone
February 3rd, 2021
Health (In)Equity in Health Care (video link)
Presenter: Dr. Atif Zafar, Medical Director, Stroke Program, St. Michael’s Hospital (Unity Health), Toronto
December 2nd, 2020
Stroke in young adults: causes, consequences and long-term outcomes (video link)
Presenter: Dr. Richard Swartz, Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Director of Stroke Research Unit at Sunnybrook
November 4th, 2020
Presenter: Hillel M. Finestone, MD, CM, FRCPC
October 7, 2020
Building a Sustainable Integrated Stroke System of Care: A population-based approach to bundled care (video link)
Presenter: Beth Linkewich & Nicola Tahair
September 2, 2020
Why 911? Optimizing Stroke Care in Northwestern Ontario (video link)
Presenter: Dr Ayman Hassan, Keli Cristofaro and Kristina Visser
August 5th, 2020
Stroke and COVID-19: What’s the latest and where can we find resources? (video link)
Presenters: Dr. Luciana Catanese and Jean Morrow, RN
February 5th, 2020
When Stroke Becomes the Life Ending Event (video link)
Presenter: Dr. W. J. Oczkowski
Other Webinar Options
Canadian Stroke Consortium
The Canadian Stroke Consortium is the national professional association for physicians interested in stroke. Their website hosts a wide variety of educational information, including journal clubs and article reviews. In addition to full courses and workshops, they also offer their own monthly stroke rounds which are archived, as well as Knowledge Breaks (5 minute education highlights)
Canadian Stroke Best Practices
The Canadian Stroke Best Practice website hosts past webinars on a variety of topics, for health care professionals. Check out their listing here.
Health Quality Ontario- Quality and Patient Safety Rounds
HQO hosts regular webinars about a variety of healthcare topics. Here are a few that may be relevant to stroke:
Tuesday March 1, 2022 |
Thursday, February 6, 2020 |
November 6, 2019 |
Transitions Between Hospital and Home: Achieving a standard of care |