What We Do

The Vision of the Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario is: Fewer strokes. Better outcomes.

The Mission of the Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario is: To continuously improve stroke prevention, care, recovery and re-integration

The Values are:

Equity and Comprehensiveness

Our activities will be aligned with the health interests of residents of Southeastern Ontario and in doing so will improve access to the care continuum and respect the diversity of the population we serve.

Accountability and Integrity

We will demonstrate accountability and integrity in all of our activities and in the use and management of public resources.

Transparency and Engagement

We will foster and demonstrate a culture of responsive, interactive, open and respectful communication and collaboration.

Learning and Performance

Improvement We will contribute to and apply evidence and knowledge, advance new ideas and take action to continuously improve the stroke system.

Leadership and Innovation

We will look to the future, embrace change and innovation, challenge the status quo, grow more leaders and through partnership build capacity.

Workplans: Southeastern Ontario

In each of the four planning areas in Southeastern Ontario, local teams have assessed their practice against the Canadian Best Practice Recommendations for Stroke Care and developed biennial workplans that outline the actions to be taken in the coming year to achieve best practice. Each of the four local workplans is developed by local stakeholders in conjunction with the Regional Stroke Network Team and provides specific direction for local health professionals in each geographic area. The Regional Stroke Network Team develops a regional workplan that supports the direction of the local area plans. The Regional Stroke Steering Committee and its subcommittees oversee the implementation of these plans.

Education Support

Support for the implementation of a systems-wide Stroke Network is made possible due to a funded infrastructure and an education budget. The funded infrastructure includes the program staff who work with those providing stroke care throughout the region to help meet their local care-delivery needs. The education budget enables the program to provide educational opportunities such as workshops to help address best-practice educational needs. This funded education program provides an incentive to build interest and to develop champions in stroke care.

The Stroke Network planning and educational activities have engaged people working across the continuum of stroke care: primary care providers, emergency and acute care staff and rehabilitation, community and long-term-care personnel.

Acute Stroke Protocol

The Regional Acute Stroke Protocol was developed in 1999 as an organized system response to provide equitable access to time-dependent stroke therapies (rtPA) for residents of Southeastern Ontario. It was the first regional response system for stroke in Canada. When a patient with symptoms of stroke dials 911, paramedics are dispatched as a priority Code 4 ("Lights and Sirens"). If pre-defined criteria are met, paramedics are authorized to bypass the closest hospital and redirect the patient to the Stroke Centre for assessment and, if appropriate, treatment with thrombolysis and/or endovascular thrombectomy. There are three centres in this region that provide hyperacute treatment: Kingston Health Sciences Centre, Quinte Health - Belleville and Brockville General Hospital.

Once a patient has been assessed and treated at the Stroke Centre, he or she is admitted to a stroke unit and/or repatriated to the appropriate community hospital. This process required the development of regional repatriation agreements between the Stroke Centres and the other acute hospitals of the region.

The development, implementation and ongoing management of the Acute Stroke Protocol has involved partnerships with many key organizations across Southeastern Ontario. These include: the Kingston Central Ambulance Communications Centre (dispatch), the Regional Paramedic Program of Eastern Ontario (for paramedic training), all Paramedic Services and hospital sites across the region, the Regional Stroke Centre (Kingston Health Sciences Centre-KGH), the District Stroke Centre (Quinte Health-Belleville) and Telestroke Centre, Brockville General Hospital. For information on the Stroke Protocol Processes (inclusion/exclusion criteria, repatriation) please see our website or contact the Regional Stroke Office at 613-549-6666 ext 3562. Please see "Emergency Stroke Care: How are we doing?" for a current update.

Acute Stroke Units

A person who experiences a stroke is more likely to survive, recover and return home when early stroke care is provided by a specialized team in an Acute Stroke Unit. Acute Stroke Care across Southeastern Ontario has been consolidated to three Stroke Units in Belleville for Hastings and Prince Edward Counties, Kingston for Kingston, Frotenanc, Lennox & Addington Counties, Brockville for Lanark, Leeds and Grenville Counties.

Stroke Prevention Clinics

For clinic mandate and contact information see Stroke Prevention Clinics.

Stroke Rehabilitation in Southeastern Ontario

As part of its mandate, the Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario facilitates system change to improve timely access to the appropriate intensity of rehabilitation services. The Southeast Stroke Network supports the implementation of best practices in stroke rehabilitation through a holistic, cross-continuum approach. Key foci include advancing a common approach to initial triage, practice standards, standardized referral processes, and access to timely assessment and rehab intervention. Regional rehabilitation objectives include building strong links to primary and secondary prevention programs and dissemination of stroke best practices through ongoing professional education, building capacity in stroke expertise and supporting interprofessional collaboration.

The Community Stroke Rehabilitation Program has been provided to new stroke survivors in Southeastern Ontario since February 2009 with the launch of an innovative LHIN-funded service.  This service is delivered through the SE LHIN Home and Community Care and provides increased intensity of Occupational Therapy, Phystiotherapy, Speech Language Pathology and Social Work.  In April 2011, the SE LHIN committed to supporting the service as a regional standard of stroke care in support of best practice.  The rationale for this funding was that the program had demonstrated its critical role in both improving stroke survivors' functional outcomes and improving health system utilization.

Community Support Services and LTC Homes

Community Support Services and Long Term Care Homes are supported in the implementation and sustaining of best practice stroke care through resources, educational supports and regional learning collaboratives. Community Stroke Survivor and Caregiver Support Groups and Community-Based Stroke Specific Exercise Programs are available in Perth, Brockville, Kingston and Belleville.