Striving to Improve Blood Pressure Screening with Indigenous Peoples in Local Communities

A collaborative event about the Deseronto Indigenous Blood Pressure (BP) Screening Model was held virtually in November 2020 with the following main objectives:Learn about a culturally sensitive approach to community-based blood pressure screeningGather input to initiate an action plan for Indigenous blood pressure screening with the Indigenous Interprofessional Primary Care Team (IIPCT) who is primarily located in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory and serves Indigenous communities across the south eastThe Indigenous BP Learning and Sharing Event was led by Kathy Brant and Maureen Buchanan, the Indigenous Leaders and original developers of the Deseronto BP screening program. The session was well-received and brought together the IIPCT with representatives from the Napanee Area Community Health Centre (CHC), Ontario Native Women’s Association, Indigenous Diabetes Health Circle (Eastern Region), the national Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP), and Ontario Renal Network’s chronic kidney disease screening initiative.A recently released Report details the learning and sharing from the event including background information about the BP model; key elements needed for implementing the model; and ideas shared about what is needed for the IIPCT to begin collaboratively planning the adoption and spread in local Indigenous communities. Team members from the IIPCT commented that they are, “Looking forward to getting this going soon.”Building from one action idea shared during the event, the IIPCT in collaboration with the Napanee Area CHC is restarting the Deseronto Indigenous BP screening in the same accessible space. The BP screening in Deseronto will open the door to other health screenings such as chronic kidney disease screening and will provide the opportunity for linkages with primary care and health services including Indigenous cultural and community services.Learn More