Have your Say: A Community Consultation is Underway!


The Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario is currently completing a community consultation. The feedback collected from this consultation will build on previous consultations and be used to guide community stroke care in the future. An example of how this information is utilized to improve community stroke care is the creation of stroke support groups in Southeastern Ontario following the first ever community consultation.

The response to the community consultation so far has been outstanding with 86 responses to the survey received. We have also had the opportunity to attend 14 stroke support groups across the region to hear the unique perspectives and experiences of many stroke survivors and caregivers directly. The next step is to present preliminary results and validate these findings through two separate webinars. Mark your calendars for Thursday June 29th to provide feedback on the preliminary results. Please know that your feedback is extremely VALUED and helpful!

  • Webinar for Stroke Survivors and Caregivers: June 29th at 1pm Click here to attend
  • Webinar for Healthcare Providers: June 29th at 3pm Click here to attend