Vascular Health in Southeastern Ontario: A Focus on Primary Care Report, September 2012

The SEO region has higher rates than the province for vascular disease risk factors such as obesity and hypertension as well as high rates of smoking and alcohol use. To improve our understanding of how to support vascular disease risk reduction and to inform regional and provincial actions, the Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario completed an environmental scan of all Family Health Teams and Community Health Centres across SEO in 2011 and 2012. The SEO Health Collaborative (a network of organizations involved in chronic disease prevention and management) worked with primary care partners in 2012 to plan and deliver primary care Think Tanks that, in combination with the enrivornmental scan, inform a regional plan for action.

Examples of common needs and opportunities discussed in this report include: 1) enhanced information sharing between primary care organization; 2) effective utilization of the electronic medical record; 3) integrated vascular health programs within primary care and; 4) strengthening community parternships. The input received is summarized in the attached report.

Related provincial and national initiatives: An Integrated Vascular Health Blueprint for Ontario was released in August 2012 and included a recommendation for Regional Vascular Collaboratives in each LHIN. The Canadian Cardiovascular Harmonization of National Guidelines Endeavour (C-CHANGE) is an integrated evidence-based clinical guideline that supports vascular health in primary care.