Free Resources and Training available through the Aphasia Institute "Gift of Conversation"!

The following are offered free from the Apasia Institute:Introduction to Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA™) eLearning: A short self-paced online module. It includes practical and video examples of concrete techniques using the evidence-based method called Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCATM). This module is a prerequisite for other Aphasia Institute trainings.ParticiPics: A searchable database of pictographic images designed to facilitate conversations. Communicative Access Measures for Stroke (CAMS): An on-line Quality Improvement tool for stroke services and/or organizations to help evaluate communicative access for your patients.What is Aphasia?: A resource booklet for your patients providing information about aphasia in a pictographic format. Training: Free spots for healthcare providers available at the Aphasia Institute or request training for your site.Working Together Series: Thematic pictographic resources for important healthcare conversations.Gift of Conversation Package: A variety of resources from the Aphasia Institute designed specifically for Speech-Language Pathologists.Learn More